הקמת הסנהדרין Sanhedrin Establishment, Israel 2022
Sun, Apr 03
The Sanhedrin Establishment is the international justice system, Now in Israel we bring it back to life! We Are Calling all Jews to put their differences aside and take this step with us into the Geulah!

Time & Location זמן ומקום
Apr 03, 2022, 8:15 AM – 5:00 PM GMT+3
Jerusalem, Ma'ase Khoshev St 6, Jerusalem, Israel
About the event על הכינוס
8:15 Shachrit
9:15 am - 10:00am Host - Rabbi Yosef Edery – opening Remarks
10:00am - 11:00am - Honorable Rabbi Peretz Hakohen
11:00 am - 12:00pm Yair Levi (Musician)
12:00- 1:00
Rabbi David Bar Chaim (or letter from Rabbi Bar Chaim) – Head of Machon Shilo And Leading Member Of Beis Havaad. Topic: Sanhedrin Need, What is a Melech, Machon Shilo And Its world thus far. The New Kehilat torat hashem bierets yisroel.
1:15 Mincha Prayer
2:00 pm – 3::00 pm Lunch (Sushi - Mehadrin)
3:00pm -4:00pm Professor Mr. Avrum Ehrlich
4:00 -5:00pm Rabbi Ariel –The Temple Institute.
5:00pm Host - Rabbi Yosef Edery – Closing Remarks followed by Open Panel Discussion
וכל המרבה לספר ביציאת מצרים הרי זה משובח.
Topics for discussion in the First Sanhedrin Committee as follows:
Why the Sanhedrin and why now?
Types of Sanhedrin and Courts,
Candidates, Selection Mechanisms, Appointment, Representation, Procedures, Measures and Control of Members
Laws of the Sanhedrin and their application today
Perception of leadership in the Sanhedrin between decentralization and centralization
Sanhedrin, constitution, Knesset, courts and state institutions
Sanhedrin and ancient institutions such as Temple, King, half shekel, cities of refuge and ministers of tithes
Sanhedrin, Technology and Science
Sanhedrin and Economics
Sanhedrin relations between the people of Israel, the Diaspora and the nations of the world and international institutions
Appeals and criticism of the renewal of the Sanhedrin
Sanhedrin, Torah, mitzvos, religion and worship
Sanhedrin and Reform in Judaism and Halacha
Lectures as follows:
Method Selection of Sanhedrin members
"The concept of the Sanhedrin of the Temple Mount, the building of the Temple, the launch of the Holy Shekel, the renewal of the order of the priests' work and ancient worship"
"Sanhedrin of 71, 23 and 7 between Judges, Counselors, Policemen, Soldiers Who Fear God, Men of Truth Who Hate Greed"
"Appointment of a King in the Dynasty of David If and How"
"Sanhedrin and a period of peace in the Land of Israel”
"Mount Zion in the Ezekiel Vision and the Third Temple"
"Rehabilitation of the Great Sanhedrin of 71 Judges in Jerusalem"
“Rehabilitation of the small Sanhedrin of 23 judges in cities of 120 people "
Ways of appointing a High Priest from the Aaron dynasty and ways of transferring powers to heirs
Temple as treasury and fundraising for programming
Rehabilitation of the half-shekel
Applicability of tithe institution and contribution to Levites
College of Borrowers
Shemita and Jubilees in our day and in the eyes of the Sanhedrin
Resident status and pilgrimage from the Righteous Among the Nations
Construction of 42 cities of Levi and six (and three more) cities of refuge
Israeli politics, Knesset parties and support for the Sanhedrin movement
Sanhedrin, Messiah, redemption
Proposals are decided for discussion and voting on the following issues:
(Proposals decided for discussion and voting will be accepted until 12:00 on the day of the conference)
We have been working for years to establish the sanhedrin - a bridge for people to be able to receive justice and respect in situations that may be heartbreaking, regardless of what their stance in society may be, we believe in human dignity and we feel that modern justice systems are sometimes inadequate or threatening, we work to fix that, to create a truly confidential place were people can solve their issues with dignity and respect.
הקמת הנהדרין היא עניין חשוב לכל עם ישראל! היא השלב הראשון ההלכתי של הגאולה - היציאה מהגלות היא עניין שכבר אלפי שנים עם ישראל מכחה לו - עכשיו זה הזמן! כל אחד יכול לתת יד בעניין נעלה זה! בואו להירשם להיות חלק ביום היסטורי זה גם אם תהיו שם וגם אם לא - תוכלו בחינם לתת לנו את התמיכה כדי להצליח! בעזרת השם נקיים את הייעוד של "אשיבה שופטינו" עוד השנה
רבי דוד בר חיים ראש מכון שילו
About machon shilo:
Machon Shilo, under the leadership of haRav David Bar Hayim, is dedicated to the promotion, discovery, and dissemination of Torat Eretz Yisrael, the halachic approach and method that the Jewish people need to serve Hashem and keep his Torah as an independent nation in their homeland. The Rav defines this mission as "laying the groundwork for a restatement and reconstitution of Jewish thought and practice, based on the Written Law and the Oral Tradition (Torah ShebiKhtav and Torah SheBa’al Peh), in order to facilitate the realization of the Jewish nation’s divinely mandated purpose and duty to establish “a nation of priests, a holy people (שמות יט:ו)".
At present, though millions of Jews have fulfilled the dream of their forefathers to return home, they have brought with them their identity as members of a specific galut community. The local customs and traditions of Hungarian, Yemenite, Polish, Iraqi, Lithuanian, Moroccan, and other communities served an essential role in helping the Jewish people survive nearly two thousand years of exile. Today, however, we have more to do than merely survive: we have been given the opportunity, and therefore the obligation, to fulfill the command of the Torah to create a mamlechet kohanim v'goy kadosh, replete with a Jewish king, a Jewish Sanhedrin, and, of course, the Temple in Yerushalayim. The emphasis on preserving ethnic identities and traditions makes it impossible for religious Jews to work meaningfully towards these goals or to provide a credible model of national Jewish leadership. Only by embracing Torat Eretz Yisrael can we fulfil our national mission.
The concept of Torat Eretz Yisrael combines many elements: Using the full range of halachic texts bequeathed to us by Hazal, including the Yerushalmi and Tosefta, rather than arbitrarily giving the Talmud Bavli exclusive dominance.
Re-examining established practices and rulings that contradict the primary halachic sources from Hazal.
Drawing on the liturgical tradition from Eretz Yisrael, which ended with the near-extinction of the community during the crusades.
An approach to p'sak halacha that is based on assumption that by adhering to halacha, as defined and transmitted to us by Hazal, we are fulfilling the will of the Creator and that His will is not dependent on which exile community our grandfathers lived in.
The underlying principle of mainstream orthodoxy is not to change. This ideology was developed in response to the haskalah and resulting reformist movements, and the Jewish people owe an eternal debt to the titanic figures of the past 200 years who ensured the survival of halacha in the face of mass apostasy and assimilation. The truth remains, however, that in many cases the Torah and halacha themselves demand change and today we are clearly mandated to repair many broken elements of the halachic system, and to rebuild others that have not existed for generations.
Machon Shilo draws on a tradition going back to the greatest of the rishonim - including the Rambam and Ramban - who were not afraid to correct errant practices according to their considered understanding of primary halachic texts. It also finds inspiration in the writings of haRav Avraham Kook, who articulated the need for an updated halachic system to meet the needs - and duties - of the Jewish people in the era of kibbutz galuyot. These teachings of Rav Kook have been forgotten by most of the National Religious world, but the urgent necessity of heeding them becomes more evident with each passing year.
רבי יוסף אדרעי ראש היועצים ד"בית הועד" ומייסד
Moshiach News Global
About Moshiach News Global:
Than Student Rabbi Yosef Edery, Began with his website http://www.ae770.blogspot.com/ to accompany his out reach work in Manhattan known as "Mivtsoyim" which he did for 5- 7 years in the New York area, later moving on to be a "Elter Bachur shliach" in yeshivas Postville Iowa for a year where he gave shiurim in Inyonei Geulah U'Moshiach for that year to some 30 - 40 students amongst the other regular studies of a typical chabad yeshiva.
over the years Yosef has networked with Noahides and Jewish scholars globally via social media, and over the years has been ahead of his time addressing the dangers of human trafficking, the nature of the podophilic issues in U.S. politics. the dangers of vaccines, and much more.
all this in addition to the positive vein of creating the template for the realistic Geulah in our day. this is a very delicate job as many Jews have gotten used to a certain narrative they cling to in one way or another. so, giving a general message needs to be 100% correct according to Jewish law and somehow not negate completely Jewish traditions and so on... we have the "lion and lamb" Yeshivah WhatsApp group. the "Sanhedrin newsroom office" group, as well as many other services and activities as can be seen on our website www.mnglobal.org
currently on the board of MN Global is:
Martial Arts - Tai Chi Student Mr. Shawn Lei
Columnist & Martial Arts Instructor
Learned the ancient knowledge of the Chinese culture rich in meditation tai chi and spiritual refinement techniques, plays guitar, comes from a family with medical background, and student of military studies Shawn's family traces back to Chinese royalty - The Zhou dynasty.
Dr. Baruch Margolioth Trappler M.D.
Author & Kabbalistic Scholar
Whose great-great- grandfather was a descendant of Rabbeinu Tam who was raised by the Baal Shem Tov.
Rabbi Yosef Edery
Columnist & Graphics Designer
Grew up in Crown Heights Brooklyn, learned about Moshiach in "770 Moshiach Central" for most of youth, did 8 years in the Yeshiva system including learning in New York, Brunoy France and Postville Iowa. Currently lives in the Golan heights, the Holy Land.
Rabbi Yaakov Cohen
United Nation Envoy
Works in the united nations to promote the seven laws of Noah.
כבוד הרב פרץ ריבקין הכהן - ראש כיתת לומדי כהונה
Kehuna.org, an affiliate of Igud HaKohanim Inc., is a New York based not-for-profit educational organization that is enthusiastic about the Jewish priesthood being relevant to today and future generations. The priesthood is divinely tasked to facilitate the connection between humanity and G-d via the holy temple in Jerusalem. We are passionate about educating all of humanity across the globe about the importance of the biblical priesthood. Igud HaKohanim Inc. is a registered 501(c) (3) not-for profit organization run and managed by kohanim.
Our work includes primary educational activities regarding the Jewish priesthood and spreading its message via print syndication, social media and personal interaction.
Rabbi Peretz HaKohen Rivkin
Board of Directors
Rabbi Simcha HaKohen Cohen
Rabbi Efrayim HaKohen Katz-Shurpin
כבוד הרב גילעד ראש משרדי מכון המקדש
כבוד הרב אריאל שליט"א ממכון המקדש
about the temple institute:
The Temple Institute, known in Hebrew as Machon Hamikdash, is an organization in Israel focusing on the endeavor of establishing the Third Temple. Its long-term aims are to build the third Jewish temple on the Temple Mount, on the site occupied by the Dome of the Rock, and to reinstate animal sacrificial worship
כבוד הרב החסיד אופיר מיידובניק משפיע ראשי בישיבת תות"ל עיה"ק צפת
Rabbi Ofir maydovnik is considered in the chabad community as one of the most influential Mashpiim, mainly teaching in the largest chabad yeshiva in israel today the yeshiva gedolah in tsfat https://chabadzefat.com/ rabbi maydovnik travels regularly to 770 chabad central where he "farbrengs" at 770 during the high holiday season, his talks are recorded and students around the globe use his advice and guidance throughout their teens and into adult life.
פרופסור הרב אברהם ערליך (please add your details - links here)
[פרופסור הלל ווייס - דובר הנאסנט סנהדרין מגלגול הקודם (לפני כ15 שנה לערך)]
professor Hillel wais was part of the earlier push of the establishment of the Sanhedrin with honorable rabbi Adin shtainzalts, he was at the helm of many ideas and projects surrounding the Sanhedrin establishment, and although much of his work fragmented due to infighting of the organizations he was part of, he does deserve credit for his efforts which surly were not in vein. (his fighting spirit was the reason for the success of a few events and startups, but eventually was also the reason for the nascent Sanhedrin never going mainstream).
מר רפי פרבר - עוסק בצ"צ ונציג קהילת תורת השם בארץ ישראל של קצרין.
Mr. Rabbi Rafi farber is a close personal friend of Moshe feiglin and was a candidate on the Zehut ballot, he is a expert in the silver markets and currently produces videos regularly on the topic, he is a writer for many newspapers, and is a intellectual in the fields of politics, personal freedoms, israel, and markets. rafis father was a rabbi of a great shul in the U.S. and rafi has established and helps run a shul in Katsrin today.
מר יוני זגדנסקי - עוסק בשמירת גבולות
Yoni is activist with many organizations in israel which look into the security on the land. due to the nature of his work. much of his work is semi classified, Yoni has served in the U.S. army before his arrival to israel. and is part of our team as he too, wishes to see some updates in the outdated systems on which this government and state is running.