In a recent development that underscores the growing global solidarity with the Jewish people, Wu Kejia, a Noahide from Shanghai, China, has reached out to Rabbi Yosef Edery, in the Golan Heights Israel, a Sanhedrin advisor, with compelling insights from the Quran.
Wu, deeply versed in Islamic scripture, has identified a series of Quranic verses that affirm the Jewish people's historical and religious connection to the land of Israel.
According to Wu, the following verses are particularly significant:
Quran Verse 5:20
“And [mention, O Muhammad], when Moses said to his people, ‘O my people, remember the favor of Allah upon you when He appointed among you prophets and made you possessors and gave you that which He had not given anyone among the worlds.’”
Quran Verse 5:21
“O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you and do not turn back [from fighting in Allah’s cause], and [thus] become losers”.
These verses depict Moses reminding the Israelites of Allah's blessings, including their divine assignment to the Holy Land. The message emphasizes the importance of fulfilling this divine command without hesitation or retreat.
These Quranic passages affirm the historical and spiritual connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel. The land was divinely designated for them, supporting their legitimate claim.

Quran 5:22-23
The narrative continues with the Israelites' hesitation and fear of the inhabitants of the land, despite the assurance of divine support.
Verse 22:
"They said, 'O Moses, indeed within it is a people of tyrannical strength, and indeed, we will never enter it until they leave it; but if they leave it, then we will enter.'"
Verse 23:
"Said two men from those who feared [to disobey], upon whom Allah had bestowed favor, 'Enter upon them through the gate, for when you have entered it, you will be predominant. And upon Allah rely, if you should be believers.'".
These verses recount the response of Yehoshua and Kalev to the doubters amongst Israel, Instructing the children of Israel to enter the land Allah had promised them.
Despite the divine assurance, most of the children of Israel in that time expressed fear of the inhabitants' might, while the two faithful men Yehoshua and Kalev encouraged trust in Allah/Hashem.
Quran 5:26
The verse from Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:26) states:
"[Allah] said, 'Then indeed, it is forbidden to them for forty years [in which] they will wander throughout the land. So do not grieve over the defiantly disobedient people.'"
Context and Explanation:
This verse concludes a narrative where the Israelites, led by Prophet Moses, were commanded to enter the Holy Land.
However, due to the majority of the older generation of Israelites having fear and refusal to follow Moses' instruction, Allah punished them by forbidding entry into the land for forty years.
During this period, they were left to wander in the wilderness. The verse emphasizes the consequence of disobedience to divine command and highlights Moses' role as a leader deeply concerned about his people's fate, despite their defiance.
Quran 7:137
Here, the Quran describes how Allah granted the oppressed Children of Israel the lands of the people who once oppressed them, affirming the fulfillment of His promise.

Quran 7:161
Allah commands the Children of Israel to dwell securely in the land, observing His laws and commands.

Quran 17:104
This verse speaks of Allah’s promise to gather the Children of Israel back to their land at the end of days.

Quran 26:58-59
In the story of Pharaoh and the Exodus, the Quran mentions how the wealth and land of Egypt were passed on to the Children of Israel.

Quran 28:5
Allah declares His intention to favor the oppressed and make them leaders and inheritors of the land.

Wu also highlights verses that affirm the validity of the Torah, such as:
Quran 5:68, 6:115, 10:94
These verses emphasize the importance of adhering to the Torah and acknowledge its authenticity as divine revelation.

Interpretation and Implications
These Quranic references present a strong theological case within Islam for the Jewish people's right to the land of Israel.

The basic understanding of these verses, as commonly accepted in Islamic exegesis, is that Allah granted the land to the Children of Israel as part of His divine plan.
While the Quran also addresses moments of disobedience and exile, it repeatedly reinforces the notion of a divinely sanctioned connection between the Jewish people and the land.
Wu’s efforts are not just scholarly but also deeply personal. As a Noahide, he is committed to promoting peace and understanding between nations.
His proactive stance in countering anti-Semitism on Chinese social media platforms is a testament to his dedication.
Rabbi Yosef Edery and the Sanhedrin advisors have welcomed Wu’s insights, recognizing the value of interfaith diaogue in strengthening Jewish claims and countering misinformation.
Wu’s research offers a unique perspective, demonstrating how the Quran, a text revered by millions, can serve as a bridge for mutual respect and support.

This collaboration between a Chinese Noahide and Jewish scholars exemplifies how shared values and mutual understanding can transcend cultural and religious boundaries.
With blessings for a swift return of the hostages and victories for Israel against the terrorists. Amen.
Rabbi Yosef Edery
Sanhedrin Initiative Advisor
Golan Heights Israel
WhatsApp and mobile +972524971349
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