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"Can I convert to Judaism?" the full guide to getting started.

Writer's picture: Honorable Rabbi Yosef EderyHonorable Rabbi Yosef Edery

A Practical Step-by-Step Guide for the Truth Seeker on the Path to Judaism

Converting to Judaism is not just a spiritual choice—it’s a lifelong commitment to Torah, mitzvot, and Hashem’s will.

The process is deep and requires significant changes in lifestyle, mindset, and daily practice. Below is a detailed, step-by-step approach to help a truth seeker practically attain these lofty levels of self-improvement and dedication.


Step 1: Build a Strong Foundation in Torah & Jewish Thought

(Beginner – First 3-6 Months)

1. Study Torah Daily (Even Before Meeting a Rabbi)

Start with Chumash (Five Books of Moses) and Rashi’s Commentary.

Rabbis Note: the additional Rashi is the difference between the jewish way of Torah study to the way of the nations, it is extremely important to master, and understanding the importance of the oral tradition together with the written, and learning them together, is the beginning of a strong properly rooted lifelong torah understanding.

Read the weekly Torah portion with Rashi (e.g., use or Artscroll’s Chumash).

Try to understand how Rashi explains difficult verses.

Listen to Torah Classes Online

Recommended websites: (Beginner-friendly Torah classes) (Diverse range of shiurim)

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz (Deep Halacha and Jewish philosophy)

Read Basic Books on Judaism

"The Way of God" (Derech Hashem) by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto

"Jewish Literacy" by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

"To Be a Jew" by Rabbi Hayim Halevy Donin

2. Establish a Strong Jewish Identity

Learn about Jewish history to understand where Judaism stands in contrast to other religions.

Watch Jewish documentaries or visit Jewish museums to grasp the depth of Jewish survival and faith.

Start speaking basic Hebrew and Yiddish terms (it helps with Jewish texts and integration).

3. Get a Personal Siddur (Prayer Book) and Start Praying

Purchase a beginner-friendly Artscroll Siddur or Chabad Tehillat Hashem Siddur.

Begin with Modeh Ani (Morning Gratitude) and Shema at Night.

Work up to praying Shacharit (morning prayers) daily, even if only the Shema and Amidah.

Learn basic brachot (blessings) over food.

4. Begin Implementing Jewish Actions

Try keeping kosher at home (remove pork and shellfish first, then work up to full kashrut).

Stop writing on Shabbat, and avoid using electricity on Friday night as a start.

Dress modestly (for men: tzitzit and kippah; for women: covering knees and elbows).

Pay back those who you owe money to, engage in charity and acts of kindness to your fellow man.


Step 2: Connect to a Jewish Community & Rabbi

(Intermediate – 6-12 Months)

5. Find a Chabad House or Orthodox Synagogue

Attend Shabbat meals to experience the warmth of Jewish life.

Ask the rabbi about beginner conversion classes or personal study sessions.

Build friendships with observant Jews to learn from their lifestyle.

6. Observe a Full Shabbat with a Religious Family

Experience a full Shabbat (stay with a family from Friday afternoon to Saturday night).

Learn the 39 Melachot (Shabbat laws) slowly and implement them one by one.

Practice lighting candles on Friday night (for women) or making Kiddush (for men).

7. Increase Jewish Practice at Home

Buy mezuzahs for your home (have a rabbi check them first).

Gradually move toward fully kosher—start with separate meat and dairy dishes.

Say Shema before bed every night and start adding blessings after meals (Birkat Hamazon).

Have a charity box in the office, kitchen, children's bedroom. Get in the habit of dropping a coin in every day.

8. Continue Learning with More Advanced Texts

Begin learning Tanya (Chabad Chassidus) or Mesilat Yesharim (Jewish Ethics).

Rabbis Note: Tanya is a great way to begin to delve deep and understand the secrets of creation itself from the kabalistic and Chasidic angle, it's inseparable in assisting in one's service of Hashem.

Read Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law) to familiarize yourself with mitzvot. Or the Kitsur Shulchan Aruch (the shorter version).

Rabbis note: at the end of the day if Hashem is king and the Torah is the law, than how to manifest said law can only be understood by starting and at least learning the Kitsur Shulchan Aruch, this will tell you how Jews wake up and go to bed, behave with one another and with fellow mankind.

Watch shiurim (Torah lectures) about Jewish philosophy and mitzvah observance.


Step 3: Preparing for the Conversion Process

(Advanced – 1 Year and Beyond)

9. Commit to a Jewish Lifestyle Publicly

Keep Shabbat and Kashrut 100%—this is crucial before approaching a Beit Din (Jewish court).

Wear a kippah and tzitzit daily (for men) and dress fully modestly (for women).

Start using Jewish expressions like Baruch Hashem (Thank God) naturally in conversation.

10. Prepare for the Beit Din (Jewish Court)

The conversion process requires:

Living fully as a Jew before conversion.

Immersing in a mikvah (ritual bath) for finalization.

Circumcision (Brit Milah) for men (if not already done).

Answering deep questions from three rabbis about beliefs and observance.

Being "pushed away" three times to test sincerity.

11. Strengthen Your Emunah (Faith in Hashem)

Start learning Emunah (faith) texts like "The Garden of Emunah" by Rabbi Shalom Arush.

Speak to Hashem daily in personal prayer (hisbodedus).

Watch real Jewish stories of converts for inspiration (e.g., Rabbi Asher Wade, Gavriel Sanders).

12. Final Steps – Becoming a Fully Observant Jew

Move into a Jewish community if possible.

Find a mentor or rabbi to guide you through final conversion preparation.

After conversion, take on a Hebrew name and celebrate your official entrance into the Jewish people.


Conclusion: The Beauty of the Journey

Rabbis note: just as the children of Israel where saved at the last moment before they slipped into the 50th gate of impurity, and began the 42 travels of character, body and soul refinement, that along with going higher into the 50 gates of Bina (understanding of Torah) all with the culmination of receiving of the Torah, so too, every individual truth seeker, needs to understand the process as much as he sees the destination.

Conversion to Judaism is not just about knowledge—it’s about transformation.

The goal is to become a true servant of Hashem, following the Torah with love and devotion.

The process is challenging, but every step brings you closer to truth and meaning.

If you are truly serious about this journey, take it one step at a time.

No mitzvah is too small, and every act of commitment brings you closer to Hashem.

May you be blessed with success and clarity in your path!

With blessings,

Rabbi Yosef Edery.

Sanhedrin Initiative Advisor.

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