Millions of Jews Commemorate Tisha B'Av, Remembering the Destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and Anticipating the Redemption
Videos from today:
Jews do rare bowing prayer only done in the Temple, on the temple mount, or Yom Kippur.
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9th of Menachem Av, 5784
(August 13, 2024)
Today, millions of Jews around the world are fasting in observance of Tisha B'Av, the most solemn day on the Jewish calendar. This day marks the anniversary of the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, tragedies that have left a lasting imprint on the collective memory of the Jewish people. The fast is a powerful reminder of the profound loss experienced by the Jewish nation and serves as a day of mourning, reflection, and prayer for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.
Yet, in the midst of this mourning, there is a glimmer of hope. Tradition teaches that on this very day, the 9th of Av, Moshiach (the Messiah) was born, signaling that even in the darkest moments, the seeds of redemption are sown.

This profound concept has inspired countless Jews to not only reflect on the past but also to look forward to the future with hope and faith in the ultimate redemption. So much so, that Kabbalah teaches that the existence of darkness itself is only so we appreciate the light which follows.
In recent years, significant strides have been made in preparing for the rebuilding of the Temple and the restoration of Jewish sovereignty in Jerusalem. The Sanhedrin Establishment Initiative, which has garnered the support of over 30 esteemed judges and advisors at, has been working tirelessly to re-establish the Sanhedrin, the ancient Jewish court that served as the central authority in matters of Jewish law. This initiative is a crucial step towards restoring the full functioning of Jewish law and order in the land of Israel.
Above: Yenuka blesses the Sanhedrin Establishment Initiative
Below: Lead Chasidic Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Solomon of Shtepenesh Educational and Charitable Institutions in Bnei Brak, Joins the Sanhedrin Initiative.

Photo Above: Lead Sanhedrin Initiative Judge Rabbi Tsvi Idan Shlit"a on temple mount together with Rabbi Yisrael Ariel of the Temple Institute and Rabbi Volfson Rosh Yeshiva of the Temple Mount Kolel.
One of the most remarkable developments has been the efforts of Itamar Ben Gvir, a dedicated public servant, who has worked relentlessly to ensure that Jews can pray and study Torah on the Temple Mount. His efforts have opened the doors for countless Jews to connect with the holiest site in Judaism, reaffirming the Jewish presence on the Temple Mount and paving the way for the eventual rebuilding of the Temple.

In regards to the war we see many victories for Israel as of late. These victories in the holy land of Israel are seen by many as clear signs of divine favor. The fear that Hashem has placed in the hearts of Israel’s enemies has been evident as the Jewish people continue to thrive and grow in strength despite numerous challenges.
The resilience and faith of the Jewish people have never been stronger, and there is a growing sense that the long-awaited redemption is closer than ever with the manifestation of prophecies every single day.

Above: Ultra Orthodox Jewish Chasidic Rabbis Join the Desnsive Units in Israel as of the Start of the war this year.
Below: Sanhedrin Initiative Judges and Advisors out of NOE & SI Embassy in the Golan Heights Israel, Visiting and uplifting the troops of the Israeli Defense Forces.

According to Jewish Halacha law and Jewish prophecy Tisha B'Av slowly begins to transform from a day of mourning into a day of celebration, and today there is a palpable anticipation that this process is underway, and that very soon Jews will no longer fast on this day, but instead celebrate in the rebuilt Third Temple in Jerusalem.

The prophetic words of our sages are coming to life before our eyes, and the dream of the ultimate redemption is within reach.

For those seeking to deepen their understanding of these times, it is highly recommended to study the Rambam’s *Hilchos Melachim* (Laws of Kings), particularly the first chapter. The Rambam outlines the three commandments that the Jewish people are obligated to fulfill upon entering the land of Israel: to appoint a king, to destroy the seed of Amalek, and to build the Holy Temple. These commandments underscore the mission of the Jewish people in the land of Israel and provide a roadmap for the future.

As we fast today in memory of the destruction, let us also take action in preparation for the redemption. We invite you to visit our store, where you can find items that will help you prepare for the ultimate and complete redemption. By supporting these efforts, you are playing a part in the unfolding of this divine plan.
May we merit to see the rebuilding of the Holy Temple speedily in our days.
Rabbi Yosef Edery.
Sanhedrin Initiative Advisor.
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