Baruch Hashem,
Blessed be Hashem.
Open Letter
The Trump Family and their supporters, Esteemed World Leaders, and people of faith in All Nations:
The Advisory and Justice boards of the Sanhedrin Initiative in the Holy Land of Israel.
Extend to you a invitation to partake in the gathering of nations, unity of the children of Abraham, restoration of the House of Hashem in Jerusalem, With The shofar sounding, The Shechina Decending, We must prepare for Hashem's kingdom.
In a personal and general way, the ethical moral dilemma unfolding in Israel puts every human today in a moment in history, similar to the historical Ester moment.
A time to chose, to fight for the innocent hostages and soldiers in Israel, or sit by the sidelines and allow terrorisim and radical extremist idiological narratives to prevail.
As October 7th rings bells of Jew hatred we expirienced not long ago during the dreaded holocaust were the nations collectively swore "Never Agein "...
This is the time to rise in boldness, faith, and obedience to Hashem, to stand with Israel, before the King of Kings, and prepare all the nations of the world for Hashem's (G-D) revelations and return to this world.
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” — Ester 4:14
This is a divine summons for the Trump family, the leaders of nations, the pastors of churches, and the children of Abraham— weather from Isaac or Ishmael—to return to Hashem and prepare the way for the Kingdom of Hashem in our world.
This is a prophecy manifest invitation of cooperation amongst the people of faith in Hashem, to the leaders of the world, as we fill the need to rise in righteousness, in preparation for the Great unification of Hashem and humanity.
Let's Join. Gather. Repent. Pray. Prepare. And Witness.
We call upon the Trump family and all world leaders to assist in the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple on the Temple Mount in the holy city of Jerusalem, in preparation for the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy and vision of the 3rd Temple.
Fulfilling the command:
"And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them." — Exodus 25:8
President Trump, like King Cyrus of old, has been given a opportunity of prophetic proportions to mandate the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, and to stand with Israel in physical and spiritual solidarity, to uphold righteousness, the word of Hashem written in his Torah by his servant Moses, and to assist in the restoration of the House of Hashem in his lifetime.
As we see it written in scripture:
“Thus says Hashem to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held—to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut.”' — Isaiah 45:1
We are calling the leaders of the world—the kings, presidents, and rulers— gather in Jerusalem and place forward your efforts to restore the Home of Hashem.
Repentance and a return to Truth: Forsake Man-Made Traditions
The Church must return to her Hebraic roots. The pastors of the nations must forsake the traditions of Rome and embrace the commandments of Hashem.
No more will Christmas leak energy to the dark side, or holydays like Easter echo a pagan past.
Rather we should Return to the Feasts of Hashem such as Passover , Sukkot and Shavuot. Fulfilling what is written in the Torah:
"These are the feasts of the Lord, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times." — Leviticus 23:4
Feast Dates for 5785 - 5786:
- Passover (Pesach) – April 12-13, 2025
Unleavened Bread – April 13-19, 2025
- First Fruits – April 15, 2025
- Pentecost (Shavuot) – June 1-2, 2025
- Trumpets (Yom Teruah) – September 21-22, 2025
- Atonement (Yom Kippur) – September 30-October 1, 2025
- Tabernacles (Sukkot) – October 5-12, 2025
- Hanukkah – December 14-22, 2025
This is a call to all pastors:
Return to the biblical calendar.
Teach the Feasts of Hashem.
Gather the people in sacred assembly.
Establish 24/7 houses of prayer and torah study in every city and town worldwide.
The Gathering of Abraham’s Children – From the Nile to the Euphrates.
The lessons from Abraham in hospitality, kindness, prayer, the path of the Tsadik (Righteous), and proclaiming Hashem's name. was not only for Isaac, but also for Ishmael. The descendants of both must come together in unity, peace, and redemption, under the Torah and Hashem.
"In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing in the midst of the land, whom Hashem of Hosts shall bless, saying, ‘Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.’” — Isaiah 19:24-25
This is the gathering of the children of Abraham:
The sons of Isaac and Ishmael must stand together under Hashem.
The nations from the Nile to the Euphrates must come into alignment with Hashem’s plan.
Jerusalem must be restored as the capital of worship for all people so that the service of the temple will be restored and the 70 cows will be sacrificed for blessing for all mankind yearly.
Preparing for the Kingdom
We call upon the leaders of the world to gather for a series of global meetings:
Locations and contact information
To get involved in our vision and meet like minded people, please see locations and contact information below and reach out via WhatsApp message to your local truth seeker community.
New York, U. S. A.
City that never sleeps
Rabbi Yaakov Cohen
+1 646-291-7018

Texas, U. S. A.
The bible belt of faith
Mr. Shawn Lei
+1 (203) 393-8992

Bowling Green, Kentucky,
U. S. A.
Eliyahu Zerubabel
+1 (202) 981-4778

Jerusalem, Israel – The restoration of Hashem's House.
Avi Feld
+972 52-432-8200

Golan Heights, Israel - Torah Justice Center
Rabbi Yosef Edery

UAE, Dubai - Abrahamic Hospitality Center
+971 54 467 0420

India, Bedrock of Spiritual Development
Mr. Murthy Gadi
+91 98665 20361

Japan - Center of Dicipline and Honor
Rabbi Binyamin Yechezkel Edery
+81 90-3683-7707
Let's expand and support homes for prayer and torah study In every city in the world –As a preparation for The establishment of greatest house of prayer, The Third Temple in Jerusalem.
The Global Yovel:
The Release of All Debts by 2030
“You shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you.” — Leviticus 25:10
By 2030, we must declare resolutions:
- The release of all global debts.
- The restoration of land to rightful owners.
- The end of modern financial slavery.
This should be understood as the economic reset of any human Kingdom under Hashem —not based on the shortcomings of corruption but rather on Torah based righteousness!
Let's Join Together , Stand United And Answer the Call of Redemption!
Who will stand as Ester?
Who will rise at such a time as this?
Will you answer the call?
Message published for the betterment of humanity by the Sanhedrin Initiative, for more information please visit us at: https:Mnglobal.org