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The 7th Sanhedrin Initiative Conference was a smashing success!

Writer's picture: Honorable Rabbi Yosef EderyHonorable Rabbi Yosef Edery

Between the blessings from the "Yanuka" to a rise in interest from Rabbis in Bnei Brak, from the walls of politics in the knesset, the Sanhedrin Initiative moves forward.

Over the last few years the advisors and judges of the Sanhedrin initiative with the assistance and support of allies from around the world have been Raising awareness of the need for a functioning Sanhedrin, as of late rabbi yosef Edery has been interviewed by Chabad Chosid Rabbi Levi Mish, this has reopened the topic of the Sanhedrin in the chabad community worldwide. Video below:

Recent activity of Sanhedrin judges and advisors is making great strides in Israeli politics as time and again Sanhedrin initiative judges and advisors are invited to the Knesset by different Ministers on different topics including the Running of Sanhedrin Judge Rabbi Yehuda Chayak for Chief Rabbi of Israel, the fate of Gaza and the need to settle the land, and of course how to integrate and introduce the Sanhedrin initiative into the Israeli government. Below is Rabbi Yehuda Chayak of the Sanhedrin initiative justice board being interviewed at the knesset.

The visits to the knesset are ongoing and we hope to update you guys on the developments as they become available.

But the highlight of the last few weeks was the 7th Sanhedrin Initiative Conference on Mount Zion Jerusalem Israel, many new rabbis and supporters joined for the first time and very important topics where raised and addressed, of course some topics will need further clarification, but this should be done in good order in the near future as well.

The Sanhedrin initiative judges and advisors allies and supporters celebrate over 25 official Sanhedrin initiative judges and advisors and the continued spreading of the word of torah to the world. Here is the video of the conference, of course we thank every person who joined us.

There are those who don't understand, why are Jews and non Jews Americans and Germans, Russians and Moroccans Yemeni and Iraqi people getting together? What is binding them? The answer is the Torah, the Geulah and the mission to bring Moshiach.

To understand this here are a few words from Avi Feld Sanhedrin initiative advisor.

We need to understand that the Torah was given on Mount Sinai over 3,340 years ago.

Yet just as Moses was the one who comes and is the gateway to the children of Israel so too today only through a living sage, scholar in the torah, a righteous remnant of the house of Israel, surviver of the terrible exiles of the children of Israel, very religious in his practice of the Mitsvos, well versed in Hebrew, the holy tounge, one ready to sacrifice himself as Judah did for Hashem, the Teacher, Law giver, only one like this can channel the torah to Israel, we merited the Rebbe which enlightened his and our generation with the Torah, the Rebbe continues a unbroken chain of 9 generations to the Baal Shem Tov and more all the way to Moshe and mount Sinai, how lucky we are to have access to his teachings today.

We See in the Torah that the leaders within the communities passed the Light from Sinai and the desert revelations along and onwards untill today.

We have kept a very accurate account of this process in the grand library of the oral and written Torah traditions.

The children of Israel strive to do as commanded by hashem and always assumed HaShem as King which is bridged to us In the over 23,000 versus of the Hebrew Torah.

There will always be those faithful and willing to carry the Torah, with it's explanation until the end of time.

Moses, the Levites ,the elders etc. were told to speak the Torah to the assembly, the children of Israel. Not only to read but speak explain, define and so on.

Assembly comes from the word yaad. עדת, יעד. Which means to point, fix, kind of like to go in a unified direction into the yonder.

It means a society, with a common calling עדה also like עדות witness. We became a united nation with this description. עדת ישראל We have our ways paths, explanations received in real time by our holy leadership, out there in the desert for 40 years. We were all being called by HaShem with rules laws, statues, judgements commands and customs.

In other words the Torah given to Moses is a heritage for our communities, the congregation of Yaakov.



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