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the prophecy must be fulfilled

The Sanhedrin Initiative

At The Knesset, Jerusalem, Israel.

Day #2 Jan 30th 2023.

Rabbi Yosef Edery & Friends

Working On The Sanhedrin Initiative.

S.I. Scouting Mission


“The Sanhedrin Initiative Scouting Mission Fundraiser Campaign will enable the advisors and judges to continue to gather in number, connect with each other and make the Sanhedrin a reality in the holy land".

At 770, Kfar Chabad, Israel.

DAY #1 Jan 29th 2023.

Rabbi Yosef Edery & Chief Chabad Rabbi of Haifa Bentsion Gagola 

Working On The Sanhedrin Initiative.

הרב ניסים אליהו אדרעי שליט"א 
Kfar Chabad, Israel
Day #1, Jan 29th 2023


Nation Of Ephraim

Ulf as Leader Of The Ultra Orthodox Noahide Nation Of Ephraim Community Discusses in the weekly Ephi & Rabbi Zoom Call the exciting progress of the Sanhedrin Initiative Scouting Mission.

Rabbi Edery has been Making Torah Classes with the nation of Ephraim weekly, and in this past 15th joint video they discussed the importance of the establishment of the Sanhedrin for Jew, Noahides and all mankind.

Blue Personal Objects

Day #2
Knesset, Kab
& Plans.

Hebrew Prayer Books

DAY #3

Rabbi Edery Visited professor Ehrlich in Tel Aviv to get a chance to better understand his fascination and support of the establishment of the Sanhedrin.


We discussed topics In line with the new opportune responsibility humanity has of managing artificial intelligence, and rewriting a new system of international law, judged by the satisfaction of the individual. this interview is a must see.

פרוםסור אברהם עהרליך הלוי

"הבה נפעל יחד לכבוש את הרחוב החרדי את ליבם ומאודם לעצב מערכת הפעלה לגאולת הפרט להפליא.

הכל צריך להיות מכוון לקהילות קודש בארץ הקודש".

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DAY #4

DAY #4

- We Spoke With Mr. Ariel Cohen Alloro In Jerusalem

- Picked Up Noahide Sanhedrin Advisor Mr. Shawn Lei From the Airport.

Issues We Hoped To Address in the meeting with Mr. Alloro.

(Form conversations with our honorable Noahide Christian colleges in the pursuit and creation of unity.)

It's seems that in your opinion, you and your female friends, mastered your "service of the creator" in the context of Christianity. And you can "prove it" by pointing to "ideas" you developed in your mind (being that according to Christianity the actual "laws" or actions are "non relevant" to fulfill anymore) the reason why I am not at liberty to accept this position from you, not legitimize such a thing is because:

1. The (new testament) foundations you base your beliefs on are not true in Judaism - point blank. Action is very much a part of the service of hashem, so much so that if one does not fulfill actions = commandments = mitsvos, all his "wisdom" is null and void.

2. It would be one thing if you spoke to me about your service of hashem and actually wanted to grow in that area, but that is not clear to me.

3. Just like Ulf, which thought that if he can provide or create some testimony (like your pillar picture) he can somehow legitimize his service of hashem and his conclusions, he now knows that this "recipe of legitimacy" is null and void and "not accepted" according to the old and oral traditions. The only "law" is the old and oral torah, end of story.

4. Your creation of justifications for your service of hashem and the exclusive conclusions you arrived at in said "ideas" is a wild guess at best of how Hashem's would works, thus me as a human being cannot confirm nor deny if it works because how should I know.

5. Being that my fundamental Torah and the place I pull my "ideas" from is not the same as yours, and in many ways in my opinion the torah is the original and only word of hashem, I must let you know that the discussion we might have about service of Hashem becomes incompatible because the Torah's priorities are not the same as the new testaments priorities.

6. In Judaism, we don't borrow names on a whim, boaz and so on, we do not declare ourselves to be vessels for other people's souls, that is borderline "talking to the dead" and a grave sin in Judaism. We can say I am "like" or I aspire to be "like" but never "take a name, unless given by birth. I. E. We don't play with souls.

7. I figured that as we said, Jacob will teach, and Eisav will Protect and serve. As our blessings from hashem demand of us. Not the other way around. Thus it perplexed me when you keep giving me long doctrine and ideas I need or believe not in. 

8. The fact that a Noahide is allowed to believe in "partnership" in creation, does not mean he is allowed to talk about it to others especially not to Jews which are not allowed to believe in "partnership in creation", its really a deformity of service of Hashem and in some ways like crutches which at the right time should be discarded, and should not be a main focus.

9. According to Ulf, your branch of Christianity puts forth a narrative where the Jews fold to Jesus when the Christian shows them the light, this is a reality that is not true, you were lied to, and to have that expectation is really a waste of time, the founders of Christianity hoped you never meet a Jew, because they knew that what they were selling was "made in China D grade trash" the only reason they put that idea in Christianity is to boost self confidence of those contemplating if to follow their pile of crap, and they knew that they needed to say that the Jews would fold, but history proves that nothing is further from reality.

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Mr. Ariel Kohen Alloro

The Body & Soul Come Together.

We spoke about the special need of Eisav And Yaakov In The Redemption - Like A Body and A Soul. We tried to take tips from Mr. Alloro in regards to the Sanhedrin establishment.

DAY #5

Hot Springs Roman Exile of Edom Understanding. 

Mountain Ridge

Day #6

David Brings Silver For The Sanhedrin

Just In Time For Rosh Chodesh Adar and The Eve of The Holiday Of Purim The Nation Of Ephraim Sends 202x 7.77g Silver Temple Coins To The Holy Land To Support The Sanhedrin Establishment Initiative, This comes at an opportune time when the State Of Israel Desperately needs reforms in the justice system in the tradition of the Torah as part of the fulfilment of prophecy and Jewish law paving the path to Redemption.

Full Article On

Video with David 
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Rabbi Tsvi Idan

DAY #7 

Myself (Rabbi Yosef Edery, and Advisor Honorable Rabbi Moshe Yosef Cohen Headed to Yerushalayim to Meet with Honorable Rabbi Tsvi Idan, We Spoke For Over An Hour, Gifted Him A Silver Temple Coin, And Graciusly Recived a few Holy Books He Wrote on Jewish law, and measurments in Jewish law. Rabbi Idan Agreed to join the Justice Board and Inherited the "Semicha" To myself and Rabbi Moshe Kohen, We Were joined By the Rabbis Brother During our Disccusion and Gave Him A Temple Coin As well. 

We Wish The Rabbi And his family much Blessings and will work with The Rabbi to Establish The Sanhedrin.

Yosef Edery

Center Rabbi Tsvi Idan, Right Rabbi Moshe Cohen, Left Rabbi Yosef Edery
Heading Out Sunday Morning
Jerusalem, With Books Form The Rabbi
On The way back to the golan
Modern Architecture

Day #8

יום הולדת של משה רבינו

"החוקה של המדינה צריכה להיכנס ע"י סנהדרין והחוקה הזאת צריכה להיות תורה שבכתב, תורה שבע"פ, כפי שעם ישראל סוחב את זה ומוסר נפש ומיליונים מאיתנו מתו על קידוש השם בשביל זה" - כך אמר יוסף אדרי, אתמול בוועדה: "אבות אבותינו עומדים ומסתכלים עלינו ואומרים מה אתם רוצים? יש לכם הכול"


Day #9

Rabbis Yosef Edery & Yehudah Chayyak

with certificates of Sanhderin Shares & Half Shekel Charity.

Concrete Wall

Words of Torah with Sanhderin Judge Rabbi Yehuda Chayak

In preparation of Purim, Rabbi Chayak tells some humorous words of Torah. 

Parallel Lines

Day # 10, 11, 12.

Joseph Hannes Of Temple Coin Join Rabbi Yosef Edery with the Sanhedrin Initiative


1. Haifa - Rabbi Benzion Gagolah

Disscusions: Sanhedrin Initiative, 7 Laws of Noah Startup, Temple Coin Trust. 

2. Bat Shlomo - Rabbi Avi Feld & Proffesor Avrum Ehrlich

Disscusions: How to Unite The Jewish People & The Ultra Orthodox Noahides, Applying our Torah to a lost and cahotic disfunctional society. Cults & Rescue.

3. Golan Hights - Sanhedrin Advisor Rafi Farber 

Disscusion: Economic Value. Gold & Silver, Truth & Honesty In Markets, Economic System of Temple Coin Gold & Silver Trust 


4. Golan Hights - Mr. Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

Disscusions: Publishing The Sanhderin Initiative, Unity With The Ultra Orthodox Noahides and lost tribes of Israel in "Ahavat Chinam" in a prepatory move in fulfiling the mitsvos of Israel in the Holy Land.

5. Bnei Brak - Rabbi Berger Advisor Rabbi Yitschak Sabag

Disscusions: Mount Zion Jerusalem, King David Vs. Idol Worship, Sanhedrin Establishment, Temple Coin Machatsit Hashekel.


Day #13

Day #13 was exceptional and special,


i (Rabbi Yosef Edery) out from the Golan towards Jerusalem (About 3 Hours) Where Mr. Avi Feld And Mr. Hannes Joseph Of Temple Coin greeted me at the Jaffa Gate,


We Headed to The Sephardic Guest Hotel For Our First Interview Of The Day With Mr. Avi Feld Specifically Focusing on his expertise with cults and missionary work, and his connection with The Rebbe King Moshiach Shlit"a Since the 70' in saving souls from idol worship.


i gave a few words about the exiting developments on the Sanhedrin Initiative and Ultra Orthodox Noahide of The Nation Of Ephraim And Treasurer of Temple Coin Mr. Hannes Spoke as well.

After which we went to pray at the tomb of the house of David, visited the castle of The Kings Of The House of David On Mount Zion, Briefly Saw The Hall we will be using for our conference and studied with Our Host On Mount Zion Rabbi Yosef Berger.

Special video by Sanhedrin Advisor Mr. Hannes From
Promoting Sanhedrin Advisor Mr. Avi Feld's work in saving the youth today.

Mr. Avraham Feld, born on 2/14/54 in Manhattan, studied at Yeshiva College and started allready working with the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlit"a since the 70' for over 20 years in saving Jewish kids from the streets, cults and missionery works.


Avi Feld is based now in Jerusalem, runs research projects for politicians and commentators, is a Specialist about the 12 Tribes and is saves theyouth from the streets, cults or abusive lifestyles.


He enjoys a worldwide reputation for his rescue projects of children with the:


Please support his great ChariteWork as big Funders broken down the last years and the Kids are in real need of Help now.


So please give your Donation to and write an Email to them that your Donation should go to one of Avis Projects, because there are several Projects in this Institute. Thanks.


All Information about the Nation of Ephraim:


#NewDeal on


Silver TempleCoin for World Reserve Currency


Politics and Torah Truth


Torah Studying and Bible Revelation


Sanhedrin Initiative Scouting Mission Phase 2:

← Click THe logo to
DOnate To Mr. Avi Feld via THe
Maccabee INstitute to save lives from abortion, bring the youth back to torah, save kids from drugs, gangs and cults.

Day #14
Mr. Alexander & Mr. Patrick
Join The Sanhderin Advisory Board!

Rabbi Yosef Edery and Rabbi Moshe Cohen Welcome Alex & Patrick to the Golan and discuss the importance of their respective work in the context of the redemption  process, alexander with his work with Ephraim Truth Media and Mr. Patrick Pesach With his published work "antisemitism report - from darkenss to light" and welcome them 2 to the sanhedrin advisory board as ultra orthodox noahides with expertise in their feilds which will be usefull to assit the ultra orthodox jewish sahnderin dayanim/judges. 

Day #15
The Meeting With Rabbi Yitschak Ginsburg In Tveria
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After a few attempts in the past to meet & introduce The Sanhedrin Initiative to Rabbi Ginsburg Shlit"a, we finally had the merit to give him a Sanhedrin Initiative Judges & Advisors Badge and Silver Temple Coin!

Here are 2 videos of how it went.

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day #16 

nation of ephraim & sanhedrin initiative  Golan

On Apr 24, 2023 - 5 Years to the Day of The Opening of The 1St Ephi Center In Berlin Germany - The Nation Of Ephraim Golan Embassy was Opened! to assist with The Sanhedrin Initiative, The NOE Advisors and Members, Ephraim Media Truth, Temple Coin, Potential Business Opportunities of Exporting form the Holy Land and More.

black dark royal pillars designs with  brush of oil paint patterns detailed with crowns an

Day #17

Har Zion Sanhedrin Establishment & Unity Conference 

Date: may the 4th. 2023 
Participants: approximately 30 to 90. 
Time: 11:30am to 4:00pm
Light refreshments, soda, water.

For more information please contact rabbi yosef Edery 052-497-1349

Pesach Sheni Invitation - Sanhderin Establishment & Unity Conference 2.0.png
Parallel Lines

Mount Zion 2nd Sanhderin Conference

A great many Jews and Noahides Alike went to great lenghts to  make this a smashing sucsess, many flew in form a round the world and many made great strides to help prepare for this monnumental event, see link below for the full conference video. 

בית מנחם משה
A New Shul For Advisors & Judges in The Golan 

beis menachem moshe katsrin.jpg

Day #18

Clock in Station

Day #19 Sanhedrin Judges & Advisors go over contracts & legitimacy laws of a Sanhdeirn in the modern day in accordance with halacha.

לקראת הכינוס השלישי דהקמת הסנהדרין והכינוס הראשון בחיפה - הרב יוסף אדרעי היגיע לירושלים עיר הקודש מרמת הגולן לפגוש את הדיין הרב צבי עידן ראש הקמת הסנהדרין, הרב יוסף היגיע עם הדיין הרב יהודה חייק משופטי הקמת הסנהדרין כשהנושא הבוער היא הדיון בענייני "שמיכה" בקשר לבית דין של 70 היום.


ושא נס לקבץ גלויותינו

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sanhderin conference חיפה

Day #20 The 1st Haifa Sanhderin & Unity Conference  

This would be the 3rd Sandherin Initiative conference and was a great milestone, many guests from aroud the world came to be here, as well as many local jewish leaders attended, many high quality guests shared torah wisdom on topics such as. the 7 laws of noah, the giving of the torah, the sanhderin justice system today, the lost tribes place ijn the redemption process and much much more.

Blue Skies

DAY #21

Rabbi Aviv Joins The Advisors! 

Rabbi Aviv Zegelman
"We see with admiration the work of raising the torah topics of the sandehrin to the public, and it is moving to witness  the passionate noahide community ."

Rabbi Aviv Zegelman

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Blue Skies
kinus #4
4 סרט כינוס הרביעי של הקמת הסהדרין
the 4th sanhderin initiative conference. כינוס הרביעי דהקמת הסנהדרין,

5th sanhedrin conference  

As the war broke out we had a choice - or to cancel the conference or to push ahead - at the end we made 2 instead of 1.

1 in Jerusalem and one in Tzfat. the turnout for our conference in Tzfat was low due to the the war, however we pushed on and are happy the Sanhedrin Judges had a chance to bless parents of Soldiers in the Israeli Defense Force that their children return home in peace. 

of course as usual, we spoke to the issues of the day, rabbi chayak blessed Israel with a swift and safe victory and return of those held captive, and spoke words of torah in relation to the Sanhedrin. 

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6th Sanhedrin 

upcoming conference!

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7th Sanhedrin Establishment Initiative Conference 
Theme: Torah Unity within Israel.

 פסח שני יום שלישי ה,תשפ"ד הבאה עלינו לטובה ולברכה

21st of May Tuesday 2024

Sanhedrin Advisors Rabbi Yosef Edery and Mr. Ulf Diebel invite you all to the 7th Conference of the Sanhedrin Initiative Advisory and Justice boards from join us as we delve into torah discussions and strategies to improve our service of hashem in manifesting the Geulah and bringing about Moshiach and making the world a better. 

We strive to make the world better every day, let's come together and encourage each other to do more for the Geulah.

יועצי הסנהדרין הרב יוסף אדרעי ומר אולף דיבל מזמינים אותכם לכינוס השביעי דהקמת הסנהדרין יועצי ושופטי הסנהדרין מאתרינו הצטרפו ללימוד תורה בעיון בעניין הקמת הסנהדרין, אחדות עם ישראל, וקיום יעודי הגאולה.


You Are Part of The Plan

You might know This world to be harsh and unforgiving, we are here to change all that, we are committed at this pivotal moment in history, to fulfill the prophecies of the torah and make hashem proud by establishing the Sanhedrin Moral & Ethical Justice System. thus ushering in all the blessings this world desperately needs now. support us and add your name to history being made - The Establishment of the Sanhedrin in the modern world.


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Moshiach News Global - Manifesting Redemption
Moshiach News Global - Manifesting Redemption
Moshiach News Global - Manifesting Redemption

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The "Leviim ​in Their Song" Page is a center for Leviim in their preparatory role for the Geulah.

The Igud "Beis Hava'ad Lachachamim" is the pre-Sanhedrin "Jewish Congressional Center" with the goal of gathering  ​10 to 100 Thousand  Rabbis to Establish the Sanhedrin as part of the 4 Step Plan.

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Torah Study Parsha Zoom Videos, Calls Advisory Service Options, Advisory Related Videos.

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Moshiach News Global - Manifesting Redemption
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The Gateway To the Torah all mankind are welcome to enter through, the 7 Laws are Universal, and a great place to begin to study the moral and ethical foundations of The Torah. 

A Few words about the first 4 Members Of and a contact forum to contact us regarding questions or comments. 

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Buy 999 Fine Silver Temple Coins to support The Sanhedrin Establishment and Solidify Your Investment in the future Redemption, as well as a Backup Economic System.


Established as a response to the NWO, The SHO Gives Health Options In The Opinion Of The Sanhedrin, The SHO Must Continue ;)

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