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Sanhedrin Initiative Share

Sanhedrin Market
What is Sanhedrin Market?
Sanhedrin Market will Launch on our domain www.sanhedrinmarket.com and will be available for use by Members to buy, sell or trade, goods and services with a built in 'wallet' and 'credits'.
Members will be able to give or take payments form anyone in the world instantly.
Can I Get A Loan?
Yes, we can evaluate your business/work value and give you a credit to your account based on the value of your business, loan needs to be paid back slowly over a period of usually 10 years with a small added fee to your bank.
Can Members Exchange From their Sanhedrin Market wallet to USD (Or any other currency) and pull out cash?
Yes, and there is a small exchange fee for these transactions.
However, all transactions within the Sanhedrin Market for goods and services are instant and free!
Yearly Subscription fee?
Yes, Due to our platform striving for anti-inflation we need to charge a yearly fee for our service, this ensures we can maintain, upgrade and secure the Sanhedrin Market without Inflating The Sanhedrin Market credit value.
Why Should i Join?
Honest Administration, unlike your current money system which is debt based and fueled by war and bloodshed, we care not for pleasures of the world nor the destruction of humanity, we are g-d fearing with a goal to assist in the establishment of the Sanhedrin for justice and so on.
Sanhedrin Market's Value is based on the men and women who join, shops, goods and services being traded, the individuals who want to trade and maintain a way to continue to support their loved ones even while the world goes through major changes.
The success of Sanhedrin Market will enable The Jewish People to Fulfill the prophecy of Redemption and Moshiach in the world, the Sanhedrin Market will serve as a financial base for Establishing The Sanhedrin! (not wars....or throwing people out of their homes....)
Sanhedrin Market Sign Up
(No commitment necessary)

Signing up does not make you a member just yet, and does not require anything other than a Username & Email.
We will analyze your info, set up a basic account and so on, and in due time - in the order of the receipt of the applications we have received - will reach out to finalize account settings.
When we are ready to launch you will receive an email with the option to Become a Sanhedrin Market Member.

Sanhedrin Market Initial Concept And Essence
For the Sanhedrin Judges and Advisors following the Torah, if we are to conduct a base of economic success for ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world, it would need to reflect all the Torah values of honesty, truth, justice, and charity as articulated at length in many places in the written and oral tradition.
The Sanhedrin economy includes physical "cash" in the form of gold and silver but is not limited to it. The Torah encourages new technology to be used to serve Hashem, and an economy run in a godly manner is no exception.
Below are some core concepts and sacred foundations to an economy Hashem would be proud of. These slides have been made by taking lessons from the Torah and conversations with fellow Sanhedrin Advisors, including Mr. David Butts OBM.

The Temple Coin Half Shekel from the Nation of Ephraim is Made in Germany and Have Been Sent And Accepted In The Holy Land to support the sahnhedrin initiative.
The Ultra Orthodox Noahide Community Nation Of Ephraim Organization sends to The Beis Hava'ad Lachachamim Tens Of 999 Sterling Silver 7.77g Coins to Support The Efforts Of Establishing The Sanhedrin as instructed by Jewish law (Rambam Laws of Kings and Their wars) to assist in the Geulah Process by first establishing a sanhderin than a king in the Holy Land as a first step into the Redemptive/Geulah Process.

The Sanhedrin: the counsel of 70 Rabbis/Jewish Scholars - Supported by The Advisory board - have Halachic Jewish Lawful Authority to Establish a King - and later - support said king in the building of the third temple.
With The Return of The Sanhedrin we bring back Hashem's correct good, righteous and straightforward justice system to humanity and much more.
Currently We Are Working On Creating A System where templecoin.org
will be the repository of sanhedrinmarket.com

Now Available
Sanhedrin Market Share Certificates!
The SanMark or Sanhedrin Market Share is a named and numbered certificate given to our Members who chose to support us in establishing the Sanhedrin, currently it is a note of appreciation by MN Global to those who support us as we put together the Sanhedrin Initiative.
The 20/20 Share
This share starts at $360
20% supports the Sanhedrin initiative (MNGlobal.org)
20% to the Temple Treasury (TempleCoin.org)
and the remaining 60% is sent back to the buyer in the form of Silver and/or Gold Temple Coins.
See More Details in the 20/20 Share Description
The 100% Share
This share starts at $360
100% Goes to Support The Sanhedrin Initiative (MNGlobal.org)
See More Details in the 100% Share Description

Sanhedrin Market is a Moshiach News Global Service promising a anti-inflation marketplace with a built in exchange for goods and services to be traded fairly.
Yosef. MNGlobal Admin.