Sanhedrin Health Organization
Promotes Natural and Alternative Preventative Medicine for the benefit and sustenance of humanity.
ארגון בריאות הסנהדרין
בריאות הגוף והנפש - ''היות והגוף בריא ושלם מדרכי השם הוא''. המלצות על אורך חיים למען המשך קיום האנשות.
[אדמו"ר הזקן - ספר התניא]
The S.H.O. Must Continue
We Choose Life
When was the S.H.O. founded?
During the covid lock downs and vaccine suggestion and manipulation times... when government overreach was strong with heavy censorship and medical malpractice was prevalent, many felt their freedoms were being actively violated, and that their choice was disrespected and disregarded.
Thus, many private people made or reorganized their organizations worldwide, and stepped in, to create systems, that would substitute - what they felt - where compromised government entities, which lost the people's trust during covid 19 with their censorship, medical indoctrination, and limiting of movement of people.
The SHO & the Sanhedrin.
The SHO of the Sanhedrin Initiative joined the people in suggesting items that were defined as safe (much safer than the vaccines which the silenced majority did not trust) we traveled the Golan Heights Israel and partnered with people and organizations which offer products we have tested and can vouch for, and together with our fellow Sanhedrin Initiative Judges and Advisors we make available for our community Natural health items and services which go in line with Torah law and the Torah's high standards of morals and ethics.
As well as items of interest, we offer the best psychiatric services available today to our community.
Sanhedrin Initiative Advisor Dr. B. Trappler is of the greatest psychiatrists in the world and we have added options integrated with the Advisor Option to book the Dr. To assist people which might need this kind of service.
The SHO will continue to support justice, truth and peace in the world and keep an eye out of the health and prosperity of humanity as part of our mission to take care of humanity and safeguard them from injustice, we strive to give people an alternative when all it seems is there is, is ung-dly government overreach.

For Those who need a boost with their health.
Juice PLUS+ selected fruit and vegetable, our classic product providing you with a rational supply of nutritional plant-based goodness. There are 18 different fruits and vegetables, harvested when they reach perfect ripeness, then carefully treated using our very own patented process. For a maximum intake of nutritional ingredients - every day.
Naturally colorful - fruits and vegetables.
The high-quality base of Juice PLUS+ .
Naturally pure - guaranteed through constant laboratory monitoring by the SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS.
Recommendations for use
Take 2 capsules of selected vegetable and 2 capsules of selected fruit capsules every day, preferably at mealtimes, and drink plenty of water.
Each delivery consists of
2 bottles of Juice PLUS+ selected vegetables
2 bottles of Juice PLUS+ selected fruits
1 bottle contains 120 capsules.
*For your convenience, these items may automatically re-ship in 4 months time. please double check settings of your order.
Meet Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko M.D.
Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko M.D. is a board certified family physician. Dr. Zelenko has practiced family medicine in New York’s Hudson Valley. He has been described by his patients as a family member to thousands of families, and is a medical adviser to the volunteer ambulance corps in Kiryas Joel, New York. Dr. Zelenko is known for developing his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide.
The Zelenko Protocol

Z Stack Below

How Her Dr. Rosen is worse than Hitler - Jewish Life
Anonymous material and sources:
Dr. Rosen had 3 of my grandchildren were thrown out of B. Rivka for being out of synch or behind schedule with the vax and even though it was fine with DOH B.R. says they follow their expert mumcha who's a moser and a sheumigetz but that doesnt matter once youve earned the title of "King Shit".
Rabbi Osdabo holds that the vax are dangerous and his son doesnt vaccinate. So Rabbi Osdabo Jnr started teaching a group of 10 kids in a private home. But "Mengela" found out and threatened the owner that if he doesnt shut it down he'll have the DOH raid it.
So after 2 days that private school was closed. Bottom line my kids are talking of going to Florida which has 3 yeshivas and one is lenient with vaccs. But the Democrats are talking legislation whereby even adults will need vaccination records to travel by 2020. That would make moving redundant.
The community has such Stockholm's syndrome that during the summer there were signs in the bungalows prohibiting kids from swimming in pools in the bungalows. My kids are going nuts with their kids at home and when they visit on Shabbos all they can discuss is where to escape to. I was thinking its time to have Satmar write-up the letters I gave you about what happened to the Rebbe. It validates their (Satmar)'s hypothesis that when Lubavitch made Baal Teshuvas we opened the doors to the Eruv Rav. They would do it because it proves how they were right.
Because we were infiltrated and destroyed. The story validates why they didnt invite Baal Teshuvas into their ranks. Because now the Lubavitcher Mikvahs are filled with men wearing tattooes who's grandparents participated in pogroms and now they're using Nazi germ-scientists to sterilize those of us who remain. Similarly they should kick-out Dr. Begun from Kindercare where mommy works. He's sterilizing thousands of Satmar kids with "vaccines" manufactured in Germany.
Chabad is finished. Wer're in the ashes of history Rosen has now gotten every doctor to do a witch hunt on every patient who has left each practice in CH to submit paperwork from the original doctor. People are suddenly getting calls from every practice because he's been assigned head of KGB (aka DOH) to all schools and doctor offices Hitler actually designated Mengela to use chemicals warfare to exterminate the Jewish population. Rosen prefers germ-warfare. He also opened his practice on Mengela's Yohrtzeit (no lehavdil because he's mother is a reforn convert).
Thats why I call him "Mengela". after killing the Nassi he's now going after their Meshichoi. Why are frum infants vaccinated against STD's at birth ? And Gardesil, a highly toxic cocktail with all the viruses and bacteria that are transmitted with sexual promiscuity, but which itself is so harmful that its banned in half of Europe is being legislated to be given to every girl in Yrshiva from age 8-9 years of age.
They started by doing a raid in Monroe and vaccinated 60 girls without parental consent. One of them already has cancer of the Cervix - the illness that Gardasil proposes to protect against. But what happens when you inject LIVE STD viruses into a 10 year old ? She gets an STD ! correction: When a patient has a stroke the treatment is to get them up and mobile. Not keep them in bed. the rebbe was kept in bed for 2 years not 2 weeks.
AE - Vaccines in Brooklyn Not Safe IMO
2019 i made these videos - now the entire world knows...
comparing it to 2 commercial airlines sitting on the runway. Both well-serviced 737 Boeings. To encourage flying Boeing they give all the safety stats.
Only thing they omit is that on one is a hijacker. No-one's talking about that. That fits in to the addition of small amounts of heavy metal like Aluminum and Mercury. O.K. Its trace amounts.
That's why they emphasize boosters. Because the body has no way of removing heavy metals the government relies on giving repeated doses of trace amounts whose damaging effect is illustrated over many years preventing the victim from blaming anyone for his shortened life (which is the real kavvanah behind this) Secondly, it took Auschwitz and the Geneva convention to make it a crime AGAINST HUMANITY for a government to force ITS CITIZENS to be part of a mandated government-run treatment- program under the name of "Public Wellbeing".
Because Auschwitz proved that government is not necessarily considering the wellbeing of its citizens.
So always be suspect when authority refuses to be transparent, or acknowledge certain risk, and imposes its idea through threat or mandate. Whatever it is. To the first point: you're not against air-travel, just when its hijacked. Second, what they're giving today the Rebbe would prohibit. Because Best Medical Guidelines always warned not to vaccinate before 14 months, to the pregnant, or to the old and frail. Until Merck arrived on the scene.
All of a sudden members of the Vaccination Safety Board left their positions as they became Board Members of Merck.
Then the safety line moved from 14 to 12 to 10 to 6 to 3 months.
And vaccinations were given to the pregnant, old, and frail. Single viruses were changed to cocktails of multiple virus cocktails and dead viruses were changed to live viruses.
So what the Rebbe agreed to was a heavily regulated industry which has now thrown caution to the wind.
That's why in one letter the Rebbe writes "check the Lab and ingredients".
Sanhedrin Health Organization Verified Item.
All Items on the S.H.O. page have been verified by one or more Sanhedrin Establishment advisors and/or judges to fulfil what they claim to achieve or more, and are verified to assisting life of humanity on the morals and ethics of Judaism.
Yosef Edery